Dear Williamsburg Neighbors,

It may not feel like it just yet but Summer is around the corner.

The Williamsburg Community Pool is getting prepared for it’s opening on Saturday, May 29th 2021.

As customary, each household will need to register for pool passes. Attached is the updated form that you can complete and return to PENCO Management.

This information is being sent via email and will be posted on the HOA website and the social media page. Those homeowners without an email address on file with PENCO Management will receive this correspondence thru regular mail. (Please note that pool passes will not be issued to Williamsburg Homeowners who are not current with their HOA dues.)

To start the 2021 Pool season we will continue to utilize a reservation system as we will need to monitor capacity at the pool complex. We are able to increase the number of pool goers this year and on a further positive note we plan to deploy the pool furniture (tables, umbrellas and chairs) for use.

More details to follow as we get more information from our pool management company (Bennington) and health agencies (County, State & Federal) on pool operations.

Looking forward to a great Summer of 2021!



Williamsburg HOA Executive Board