***Important Williamsburg HOA News***

May 1st, 2018

Dear Williamsburg Neighbors,

The Executive Board of Directors for the Homeowners Association (HOA) has decided to make a change in Property Management Companies.

This change will become effective 6/1/2018.

The new management company will be contacting you directly in the next few weeks.

Updates will be posted to the community website (williamsburghoa.net) and the Facebook group (Williamsburg Community HOA).

Pool tag sign up will be coming out shortly.

In the meantime, if you have not paid your quarterly dues, please wait until you receive new payment instructions.

If you have an architectural review request, please complete the form on williamsburghoa.net and email it to williamsburgdowningtown@gmail.com.

Thank you for your patience during this transition.


Williamsburg HOA Executive Board

Mark Monroe

Frank Hewitt

Tim Cotter

Lee Leagiton

Michael Murphy