By now you should have received an email from Delaware Valley Property Management with instructions for getting your pool passes this year. Details of that email are copied below.
Pool opening is on Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday May 27, 2017). Use the linked Registration Form and return it to the Delaware Valley Property Management Office. Forms may be emailed to or mailed to 115 E. Chestnut Street, Lancaster, PA 17602.
For the 2017 pool season, all passes will be sent via mail. Therefore, it is important to return the form in a timely manner to allow time for your passes to be mailed to your home.
Each resident age two (2) and over must obtain a pool badge. Resident children age thirteen (13) will be permitted unattended in the main pool only after passing a swim test and being certified by the lifeguard.
The Williamsburg Homeowners Association will provide two (2) free Guest passes with your pool pass registration.
Additional Guest passes are only available in books of five for $15.00. Please send a check made payable to the “Williamsburg Homeowners Association” to Delaware Valley Property Management for the number of guest passbooks you need. Money will not be collected at the Pool for Guest Passes. Order Now! Guest passes that are not used this season will be accepted next summer. Please note that all guests must be accompanied by a Resident age 18 or older.
Investors (Landlords) with rental units may either retain their pool pass privileges or relinquish them to the tenants. If you do wish to relinquish your pool privileges, please complete the Home Owner portion of the registration form and forward to your tenant. The tenant can then complete the remainder of the form and send to Delaware Valley Property Management.
In accordance with our Williamsburg HOA governing documents, pool passes cannot be sent to those owners who are not paid up to date (current) with their HOA Fees. Landlords should clarify the HOA fee account status with their tenants to avoid any confusion. If you now have a HOA fee balance overdue, please forward payment to Delaware Valley Property Management as soon as possible to not delay processing and receipt of your pool passes for this pool season.